Sometimes an email is like a message in a bottle.
This bottle, was in the woods by my garden. The moss grew inside.
I publish blog posts about writing techniques regularly in my News Page. If you’d like to be notified when a new post goes up, just let me know.
I always answer emails. The form below goes directly to my personal email. If you’re missing any pages from my old website, contact me. I will reformat them and publish them here.
Rights and Permissions
For book and translation rights, please contact Ginger Clark Literary. For film or broadcast rights contact me directly.
If You’re Looking for Someone to Read a Manuscript...
I evaluate children’s writing for Members and Friends of CANSCAIP (Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers) through the organization’s Blue Pencil Program.
Many writers’ organizations run well-organized manuscript evaluation programs that allow you to receive feedback from a published writer. Like CANSCAIP’s, some are only open to members. The benefits of belonging to a non-profit writers’ organization are countless.
The Writers’ Guild of Alberta runs an evaluation service that is open to anyone.
The Writers Union of Canada (TWUC) also runs an evaluation service open to non-members.
Please be wary of evaluation services not affiliated with a legitimate not-for-profit organization, especially those claiming to be agents who say they can get your work published if you pay for editing. No real agent will ever ask you to pay for editing services.